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Business Courses

Following are the many course topics we present in summary as a one hour speech or in a training workshop in the length indicated. Our facilitators can also customize these programs to meet your staff's unique situations and requests. We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your needs and determine the best way to fulfill them.

If the topic is being offered for open enrollment (available to the general public - at our facility or other locations), you will see the available dates and a register now button.


Emotional Intelligence skills are incorporated into all training sessions offered through the Center for Creative Learning. Programs primarily focused on emotional intelligence are






Emotional Intelligence: The Link to Leadership Success

What kind of leadership is your natural style?
How does your personality affect your ability to lead?
Where does emotional intelligence fit in the leadership puzzle?
Have you identified your vision, mission and values?
Communication, accountability, and coaching skills are tools every leader needs. How are yours?
This class includes assessments of all these skills, a basic understanding of leadership philosophy, and a creative plan for further development of your emotional intelligence and leadership skills.

As a result of this course, you will be able to:
  • Assess your leadership assets and liabilities to have an accurate basis for developing a path for your leadership journey
  • Become more aware of leadership theories and styles so you can determine what will work best for you and your team
  • Attune yourself with the corporate vision, mission and values through the definition of your own vision, mission and values
  • Increase your confidence in your leadership ability, so you can be more decisive, trusted, respected and supported as a leader
  • Better understand others’ behaviors and learn techniques for accountability, communication and coaching so you can better lead others and draw out their leadership skills

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IQ + EQ = Today’s Business Survival Skills

Success in the corporate world has traditionally been attributed to rational thinking and analytical skills (IQ). Research studies over the last three decades have concluded that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) may be THE most important business skill today.

Moving into the new millennium, who survives and who thrives will be determined by mastery of the skills of self awareness and motivation,managing emotions, empathy and interpersonal effectiveness. While IQ appears to be determined early in life and by our genes, evidence shows that EQ can be learned and increased at any time.

Thus, we are bringing you this course so you can discover how your thinking gets hijacked and control gets lost. Assess your personal EQ and practice tools that will help you deal with difficult people, resolve conflicts, and create powerful business relationships. This will be a highly participatory, challenging, yet enjoyable course that will include resources for follow-up and integration.

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Dealing with Difficult People
Next Scheduled Courses: None scheduled at this time. View a list of all course offerings
There’s always one, sometimes many, in every workplace or family.
The difficult people we encounter challenge our patience, test our communication skills and seem to demand our attention, especially when we have more important things to do. How you handle them and yourself determines whether those trying situations escalate into war or result in peaceful resolution.

Learn to identify the triggers that make people difficult to deal with, improving our emotional intelligence skills, learning neutralizing communication strategies and conflict resolution techniques.
Humor and playful interactions will help us laugh at ourselves and our frustrations, while learning to take it lightly as we practice doing it differently.

Your result will be an increased confidence in your ability to deal with difficult people and to avoid becoming someone else’s difficult person.

Identifying the Cause
  • Understand your fatal attractions to certain personalities
  • The Importance of Being Right or "Why We Don’t Want to Give Up the War"
  • Behavior style characteristics and their impact on relationships
Understanding Others
  • Identify types of Difficult People and how they hook you into their game Transform tolerating difficult people into appreciating differences
Understanding Yourself
  • Complete the Personal Profile (DiSC) - learn your "default" personality style
  • Assess your EQ (Emotional Intelligence) - develop a plan for improvement
Create Peace
  • Explore a simple and powerful 3 step process for conflict resolution
  • Practice Saving Face and Giving Grace
  • Make peace with the "impossible to deal with" person
  • How to avoid being on the Difficult People list yourself!
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Change at the Speed of Light:
Handling Change with Emotional Intelligence

"The amount of information stored by the human race has doubled in the last 3 years, University of California researchers report. If the new data now being on web, paper, and film in 1 year were all converted to print, it would fill the Library of Congress 500,000 times over!" (San Jose Mercury News)

Today's world is changing faster than ever before and we need skills for handling it "lightly" instead of stressfully. How change affects you will depend on how quickly you can adapt and how lightly you can view your life. Combining laughter and wisdom, these tips for accepting and integrating change and taking life a bit more lightly will make the future easier for you and others. Dealing with the emotions of change requires an understanding of how emotions work, how you work your emotions and the principles of emotional intelligence. Learn basic, yet powerful skills for mastering emotions and making change work for you.
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Are you a Builder, a Boomer, an Xer or N-Gen? Today's workforce is likely to include these four different generations - a combination of perspectives that can lead to conflict and confusion. Learn more about the different generations, what they grew up with, how that shaped their values and affects their communication styles and work ethics. This workshop will also offer you cross-generational communication tips that will help you bridge the gaps to gain motivation, cooperation and results!

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A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON COMMUNICATION "To think that communication is words Is like going Into a restaurant and eating the menu."

Words are only 7% of our communication - the other 93% is our tonality and body language! No wonder so many of our messages are misunderstood! We must be congruent in our communication in order to be believed and trusted. In addition, we have to learn how to understand and talk in others' "language" even when we are all speaking English. Find out how to develop rapport and how to motivate others using information about their communication modalities and how they sort data as it comes in. Based on the principles of NeuroLinguistic Programming, this workshop will keep you fascinated as you learn more about yourself and others in the process we call communication.

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Communication is more than words. We often take words at their face value and our personal definition and history or we don't really listen beyond the words to the meaning and intent of the communication. Many problems are related to poor communication and lack of understanding of personality styles and their corresponding communication. People think because we're speaking English, we're talking the same language - and that's just not how it is!

Explore the different motivational patterns, communication styles and personality traits that make every person unique. Experiential processes will demonstrate how to utilize this information in communicating and understanding others. Each participant will complete a Performax Personal Profile and have an opportunity to practice what they have learned in a specific challenge area.

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Too often when we approach a conflict situation. we come prepared ready to do battle - assuming that the other person doesn't want us to have what we want and we will have to fight for it. Perhaps there is another way. Redefining the situation from war to cooperation. And then, Tell the truth, Ask for what you want and Be willing to negotiate. It's a simple three step formula to keep your power in conflict situations - without controlling or manipulating in a negative way - and get the results that win for both sides. The win is a working, enjoyable relationship that allows for clear communication and cooperation and gets the results both parties want.

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Have you ever wondered why it seems your boss just doesn't understand you? Maybe you have even said to yourself, "He just isn't talking my language!" It's a common problem with an uncommon solution. Learning to identify motivational patterns, communication styles and personality traits that determine how a person receives, stores, sorts and accesses information can make a world of difference in how you communicate with them. Find out how to develop rapport with your boss, to help you better understand directions and then get the results your boss is looking for. Complete a Performax Personality Profile to determine your personality style and learn how to identify others' styles. You'll be able to speak in the boss' language to get your ideas heard the way you meant them to be heard and minimize conflict.

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Learn the reason why traditional means of motivating others often do not work in today's diverse workforce. From understanding how our communication affects others to recognizing how others best receive our communication, we can begin to master the principle that "One cannot motivate others - one can only create an environment in which others motivate themselves." Keys to effective coaching and understanding generational differences are also covered in this workshop. You will also discover that "There are no secrets"- just information we have yet to learn.

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Tired of hearing "It's not my job"? How many times have you heard. "It's hard to find a good worker these days - they want to do the least and get paid the most"?

In the business culture. we are at one end of the spectrum. We've gone from the Puritan Work Ethic to The Apathetic Minimum. It's time to find balance and be able to have employees who take responsibility for the organization's success and treat their job, the project or department as if it were their own business - it's success or failure is up to them. Explore how we got to where we are now, where we are headed. and how to create the empowered employee of the future.

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There are many areas of our society where we seem to be doomed for mediocrity-and. unfortunately, productivity, customer service, and excellence are suffering. Excellence as a state of mind, as well as a quality of results, is a possibility in any environment - if only the players are willing. This participatory workshop will give each attendee the opportunity to explore their work situation, their personal attitudes and the potential of excellence in all that they do. They will leave with a "Climate of Excellence Action Plan" to help them make excellence the natural state of their lives, personally and professionally.

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Many of the angers and frustrations that we experience as members or leaders of a team are a result of broken agreements, unmet expectations and failure to get what we want. When someone does not do what they said they would, or only does a mediocre job, our expectations are not met and we feel angry, disappointed or cheated. Trust levels decline and satisfaction disappears. One of the main reasons this happens is the team is not aligned in their goals and one or more members is in a dysfunctional state. Through group interaction and lecture, participants will learn how to deal with the symptoms of a dysfunctional team and the causes for the breakdowns - and how to transform it into a winning team in a way that empowers everyone involved.

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The debate is on ...... When is a manager a leader? When is a leader a manager? Is there a difference? Does it matter? What does matter is that you have a style of working with people that fits your values and objectives and gets the results that you want. Understanding how different styles of coordinating people produce varying results, and realizing how power works so you can use it respectfully, are two vital criteria for being effective as a supervisor or manager.

Explore these ideas and more in an experiential. interactive workshop that will help you clarify your style and gain more cooperation and support from your staff.

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The debate is on ...... When is a manager a leader? When Is a leader a manager? Is there a difference? Does It matter? For women, the issue is even larger than those options.... How does a woman handle power? What is power in business? How does one use it positively? These are many of the questions hotly discussed by women in business. The answers are not simple. Explore these ideas and more in an experiential, interactive workshop that will help you clarify your leadership style and gain more cooperation and support from your staff. What does matter is that you have a style of working with people that fits your values and objectives and gets the results that you want. Understanding how different styles of coordinating people produce varying results, and realizing how power works so you can use it respectfully, are two vital criteria for being effective as a supervisor or manager.

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This workshop will give a new perspective to "managing" time and insights on why we have time problems. Defining time and different time styles will allow participants to implement new ideas with a firm base of understanding and to interact with others more effectively when understanding their time motivation. Through lecture and experiential activities, the three principles of time mastery, with specific techniques for each principle, will become the basis for developing unique approaches to change time habits and get the job done more efficiently and effectively. Included in the workshop are primary concepts of stress management and creating balance between the personal and professional aspects of life.

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Got too much to do? Feeling overwhelmed? Perhaps it's time to analyze your workload and explore the possibility of delegation as one alternative. Find out why you may be suffering from "Delegation Evasion" and what you can do about it. Then learn the guidelines for effective delegation and techniques for communicating that will help you gain the cooperation of others. Develop a Delegation Implementation Plan and test it out, getting feedback, refinement and suggestions before you take it into the workplace - so you can put it into action ASAP! You'll also learn a simple and effective four step process for getting you out of overwhelm and into organization. This is one workshop you won't want to delegate someone else to attend!

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Do you recall how you felt last time you left a meeting? There's a good chance that you regretted even being there. You may have even muttered something like, "It's always this way. If I didn't have to go, I wouldn't!" This short and to-the-point workshop will assist you in making future meetings the same, short and to-the-point, while still getting the objectives met. This will be one meeting you will be glad that you attended!

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Are you suffering from "Analysis Paralysis" or the "Should have, Could have. Would have, If only..." syndrome? Procrastination is the terminal disease of success. The problem is most of the answers have been in the form of treating the symptoms instead of the cause. Through lecture and personal introspection, learn the two causes of procrastination and then practical action steps to changing your beliefs, handling your emotions and creating new habit patterns that will allow you to start "putting off procrastination."

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Are you suffering from "Analysis Paralysis" or the "Should have, Could have, Would have, If only..." syndrome? Do you have subordinates who aren't getting their work done - and aren't overloaded? Procrastination is the terminal disease of productivity. The problem is that most of the answers have been in the form of treating the symptoms instead of the cause. Through lecture and personal introspection, learn the two causes of procrastination and practical action steps to changing your beliefs, handling your emotions and creating new habit patterns that will allow you to start "putting off procrastination," minimizing interruptions and effectively delegate. Then explore how to work with your employees to assist them in getting the job done - on time!

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Next offered: None scheduled at this time. View a list of all course offerings
Many of the angers and frustrations that we experience in our lives are a result of broken agreements, unmet expectations and failure to get what we want. One of the main reasons this happens is that we don't hold ourselves or others accountable. When someone does not do what they said they would, or only does a mediocre job, our expectations are not met and we feel angry, disappointed or cheated. Trust levels decline and satisfaction disappears.

Through lecture, diads, and group interaction, participants will discover the reasons why people don't want to be accountable and how to handle those situations in a way that empowers everyone involved. We'll also look at why we don't want to be "held accountable," how that perpetuates situations that don't work, AND how to make changes for ourselves so we can feel good and be accountable.
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Self image and beliefs about worthiness and abilities dramatically affect the way people view their situations, attitudes, relationships, and results. A low and undeserving self image keeps one stuck and unable to improve their financial status. This affects not only the one who is stuck, but also their families and their co-workers. Participants will learn how to improve their self-concept and become empowered to see things differently, to explore new behavior patterns, and to define and then take action on their goals and dreams. From monitoring self-talk to how to revise their belief systems and judgments, each person will gain practical skills for self-improvement and making changes in their lives. The major goal of this course is for people to realize that they are valuable. important and worthy of a position or promotion.

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Co-Dependency was the buzz word of the 80's, and is still a workplace problem today. "What's so wrong about depending on each other?" "Aren't people supposed to be depend-able?" Knowing what co-dependency really means and understanding the pitfalls and liabilities of a co-dependent relationship can ease the challenge of working with employees who have a co-dependency habit pattern. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of co-dependency in interpersonal relationships, as well as the roles and behaviors in the workplace that are typical of that kind of relationship, then you will discover options and skills for change and healthy work relationships.

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Stress is important to our aliveness - yet many have taken the "Type A" route of overwork, lack of rest and relaxation and pushing the body past it's healthy limits. Add to this emotional imbalance, as they ignore their feelings in favor of getting the job done or getting ahead - and you have someone on the way to involuntary early retirement. Learn how to deal with your emotions appropriately and how to discover the belief systems that got you into burnout so you can change your way of thinking and living to one of enjoyment and balance, on and off the job.

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Next Scheduled Courses:
Start DateLocationCost 
Friday, February 7, 2025Milwaukee, WI$470Add Add
Friday, May 30, 2025Milwaukee, WI$470Add Add
Friday, September 5, 2025Milwaukee, WI$470Add Add
Taking It Lightly is a well-rounded program of personal growth - for those satisfied with their lives and looking to increase the aliveness and success they are already enjoying, or for those experiencing some difficulty in relationships who want to make a change and are feeling stuck. The primary focus of the program is a weekend course in which you will discover what patterns and beliefs you have been living in and then, experientially work with the emotions connected to the core decisions on which those patterns and beliefs have been based. Then making new decisions and acting upon them allows you to integrate the new behaviors you are now choosing to support your success and aliveness.

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