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Day of Fine Tuning

Fine Tuning

From time to time, we all find ourselves feeling stuck—whether it's due to difficulties in our relationships or workplace, or perhaps we become aware of another old decision that isn't working for us any longer. Are you ready to clean something out yet don't want to spend an entire weekend doing it? This day-long workshop is the answer! It's a great way to get back on the road and continue to keep your emotional self well-tuned and running smoothly.

A Day of Fine Tuning is like Saturday of Taking It Lightly—a day of process, with special opening and closing activities to prepare and integrate the work we will do, plus celebration time! It is limited to 10 people who are committed to doing a piece of work and know what they want to do. There is a time limit of 30 minutes for each person, which is an abundance of time for those who are ready to take action.

The Day of Fine Tuning is lead by a certified instructor, and staffed by experienced assistants and energy workers, so you will have the best team available to you.

Next offered: None scheduled at this time. View a list of all course offerings

Pre-requisite: Participants must be graduates of Taking It Lightly, Taking It Lightly—Renewal or Healing Warrior Hearts.

Time: 9 am to complete

Cost: $75—If you have Pay It Forward cards from staffing Taking It Lightly, you may use 2 of them ($50) toward the cost of this event—pay only $25!

Spaces Available: Enrollment is limited to 10 participants—register today!

What are People Saying about Day of Fine Tuning?

The Day of Fine Tuning provide me with a supportive team with whom I could explore some issues that were keeping me stuck. Since all the participants had already done workshops at the center, we were able to play a very active role in identifying the issues we wanted to look at that day. The pace was brisk and exciting. I felt like we had accomplished so much in a little time. I learned as much from my own work as a I did from observing the processes of others. And I still had a whole day of my weekend left to enjoy!

Maggie Krochalk

Image: Suat Eman / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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