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Biographical Résumé—Patricia Clason

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Patricia ClasonFor over twenty-five years, Patricia Clason has traveled across the continent doing speeches, workshops and media appearances as a professional speaker, trainer, consultant and writer, giving over 3,000 presentations for corporations, associations, government agencies and non-profit organizations. Now the Director of the Center for Creative Learning, which offers programs for personal and professional development at offices in Milwaukee and Madison, Detroit, and Indianapolis, Patricia has written many articles, training programs, and personal growth seminars and is a sought-after guest for radio and television.

The focus of her work is on alternative methods of teaching and learning that produce high quality results. Her search for the best in the technology of human resources and development has taken her, as a student, on many adventures through traditional and some not-so-traditional training programs. An important aspect of Patricia's presentations is that she addresses the psychological perspectives and principles behind the practical tools that she teaches. As a result, audiences are often entranced with her and excited about using these new ideas.

Patricia often receives letters and phone calls from the participants in her programs, thanking her for the insights and inspiration she has shared in these presentations. One of the reasons people are so enthused about what they hear is that Patricia shares personal and real stories—so people know that her practical wisdom comes from experience, not just books and good ideas. Her diverse background makes her a competent presenter for spouse groups, schools, parents and personal growth groups, as well as business-related meetings and training.

Her business background ranges from executive secretary to food store manager, office manager, and licensed insurance agent. Currently she is the owner of three businesses, the Center for Creative Learning, Great Ideas! Speakers Bureau and Patricia Clason Coaching Associates. As a consultant and business coach she works with large and small companies, as well as individuals, in the areas of start-up, marketing, and management skills and career building. Ask the Coach, Patricia's "Q & A " column on career coaching appears monthly in Employment Times. Her articles also often printed in business and trade publications.

As the host of A Sign of the Times, an interview format television show for Warner Cable, for five years, she had the opportunity to introduce people to the cutting edge technologies in all areas of life.

A member of the boards of several non-profit organizations, Patricia is active in both charitable and civic organizations.

To keep all this together, and still have time for her family and herself, Patricia must truly practice what she teaches in the areas of communication, time management and motivation, as well as business marketing, management and ethics.

Professional Experience

  • Patricia Clason Coaching Associates; Self-employed in this capacity since 1976. One-on-one coaching—personal or professional Business consulting on start-up, marketing, mission statements, team building.
  • CENTER FOR CREATIVE LEARNING, LLC; owner and Director. Author of and Instructor for TAKING IT LIGHTLY and numerous other personal and professional development programs. Trainer of group facilitators and instructors, Professional Excellence Program.
  • FUNERAL SERVICE INSTITUTE; a subsidiary of the Center for Creative Learning, focused on programs for funeral directors in the areas of ethics, stress management, conflict resolution, communication
  • LARIMER CENTER FOR ETHICAL LEADERSHIP—authorized to teach ethics programs utilizing the "Ethical Type Indicator" assessment
  • GREAT IDEAS! Speakers Bureau and Meeting Planning Consultants; Milwaukee's first professional speakers' bureau - (originally known as Genesis, organizers and promoters of seminars in the Midwest from 1976 to 1979).
  • MANIFESTATION MANAGEMENT, INC.; (formerly known as Time, Life and Money, Inc.) and LIFE ORGANIZATION GAME (LOG); subsidiary of Manifestation Management, Inc. Author of this time management and life planning system for increasing personal and professional productivity. President and Founder 1975–1994
  • LOZANOV LEARNING INSTITUTE; Certified Instructor in Suggestology (also known as Superlearning)


  • "Ask the Coach" syndicated column on business and personal development
  • Claim Your Unlimited Potential—Co-authored with David Durovy; a one year course in success and self-esteem. Authored an Instructor Training Program for group facilitators of this course in support groups
  • Getting What You Want: Goal Setting and Time Management, Successful Sales for Women, Management by Agreement; cassette tapes—How to Get the Most Out of Life cassette album
  • College and University courses: Time Mastery: More than Time Management; How to Be Successfully Self-Employed; Don't Eat the Menu! - a New Perspective in Communications; Secrets to Successfully Motivating Others
  • Life Organization Game; seminar and time management system
  • SUCCESS!; seminar series for the Lozanov Learning Institute
  • Professional Excellence Program—a nine month training program in professional speaking, group facilitating, workshop development and team building
  • Taking It Lightly, Step Into the Light, and Walking In the Light—weekend personal growth intensives. Bamboo Bridge—an emotional process intensive for Combat Zone Veterans. Renewal—A Weekend for Sexual Abuse Survivors—intensive program for survivors of abuse. Taming the Tiger, an intensive program based on the 12 step model.
  • The Making of a Master—an apprenticeship training program for Taking It Lightly instructors
  • Teaching Responsible Children; Preventing Violence—Making Friends with Our Emotions; Reframing for a Positive Classroom; Teaching in the Adult Classroom; and other seminars for educators
  • Numerous articles, seminars, workshops and training programs


  • Lectures, seminars and workshops for over 3,000 businesses and professional organizations
  • Host—A Sign of the Times, interview format show for Warner Cable 1993-1998
  • In-service training for school systems in the greater Milwaukee area, Chicago and Nassau County, New York and throughout Wisconsin
  • Radio and television appearances nationally


  • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, School of Continuing Education, Business and Management, Governmental Affairs, and Non-Profit Education
  • University of Wisconsin Madison, Small Business Development Center
  • Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
  • Moraine Park Technical College, WI
  • Licensed to teach and train instructors for the Lozanov Learning Institute, Washington, D.C.

Professional Associates

  • Worldwide Association of Business Coaches, Charter Lifetime Member
  • Coachville.com, Founding Member
  • 24/7 Coaching, Founding Member
  • Mequon Theinsville Chamber of Commerce
  • Glendale Chamber of Commerce
  • Wisconsin Business Women's Coalition, Charter member
  • Woodstock Business Conference, chapter member
  • Tai Chi Chuan Center of Milwaukee; incorporating director and Treasurer since 1975
  • Women's Resource Network of Milwaukee; Founder
  • Advisory Board of Wisconsin Women Business Owners to Small Business Administration, WI; Chairperson, 1989–1991
  • Appointed to Issues Committee, Governors Conference on Small Business, 1987
  • Woman to Woman, Inc.; Conference Coordinator, 1983/84, President of the Board of Directors 1985-88. Assisted in incorporation and secured tax-exempt status for the organization, also a featured speaker for fifteen years at its annual conference
  • Midwest Regional Conference of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; Organizational consultant, November, 1981; featured speaker 1978–1981
  • Trauma Recovery Resource Network, Incorporating Director, 1997–2000
  • Incorporating director of an International performing arts festival project Save a Farm, Inc.
  • Association for the Advancement of the Human Animal Bond, Incorporating director


  • Listed from 1981 to present in Who's Who in Midwest. Also listed in AND HONORS World Who's Who of Women, Who's Who of American Women
  • Voluntary Action Center of Milwaukee—Commendation for Community Service
  • Cover story, Wisconsin Woman Magazine, August 1987
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